Paul Frank mouth monkey 2016 autumn and winter spokesperson advertising and matching the same paragraph

Kun Ling endorsement shot Paul Frank Mouth Monkey 2016 autumn and winter advertising large, July hot summer days, ears disturbed people upset? It's better to take a look at the new products of Paul Frank's mouth monkeys in autumn and winter to go to the classic, new party, pixel paradise, reverse the street every series are bold and innovative, unique...

In the fall and winter of 2016, Paul Frank's mouth monkey still used the American street as its main axis, but it used a bold style of design, bright colors, and accessories of avant-garde elements to impact the street culture that alternated with the cycle!

The classic series is no longer confined to monotonous patterns. The addition of Fly Girl and Hip Hop has created a totally new look for the brand.

Fly Girl decrypts the DNA of the girls and integrates the diversity of youthfulness into the new design to extend the youthful years of the girls. Hip Hop's elements are like a lively dancer with exaggerated accessories and dynamics. The CD fits into the design, allowing the wearer to stay in the dark night of the carnival.

Following the monkey girl Kun Ling, Julius welcomed a new buddy, a pink bear with a sly expression. The new buddy is a small buddy who has a lot of expressions. Don't think that you only have a cute expression! When I was not happy, I looked at the expression bag on my body and the bad emotions flew away.

The principle of using Lego blocks in Pixel Paradise uses pixel blocks to combine plants, machines, and buildings to create a new visual sense. Julius's image also subverts the previous styling of the plane, with a more 3D sense, and a series that must be missed by friends who love games and music!

This time, Paul Frank's mouth monkeys reversed the street series and combined the colorful mutations of the street into a bar code pattern and flowing paint, creating a new street style with black and white classic colors, and more consistent with the American tone of Paul Frank's mouth monkey. The loose version, bar code and paint bring out the young people's publicity.

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