BERNIEELEN Bernice: You must have a good dress to see how the tide people wear?

In the season of summer and autumn, how to balance the grace and temperature in the cool weather? Take a look at the beautiful street shots of many ICON hipsters in the early fall, perhaps to give you some inspiration for the season-changing outfit.

In the season of summer and autumn, how to balance the grace and temperature in the cool weather? Take a look at the beautiful street shots of many ICON hipsters in the early fall, perhaps to give you some inspiration for the season-changing outfit.

Demo with:

The stylish and dynamic blue skirt allows mature women to wear feminine femininity while adding a bit of playfulness and fashion.

Luxury elements such as metal colors and court prints are retro-styled on jacket jackets.

Eternal aesthetic black and white printing, with elegant lines, simple colors, brings elegant yet stylish sense of dress, the most suitable for independent and attractive urban women.

BERENEELEN Bernice Women Join Agent: http://

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