Identification of South Red Agate still needs experience
Nowadays, the fake goods in Nanhong are very common in the market. Whether you choose South Red Agate in the formal store or the wholesale market, you need to study it carefully. There are many ways to buy South Red Agate. When you are a newbie, it is best to find a friend or a seller who knows it. It is not easy to be deceived. Because in the identification of the South Red Agate, there are many that still need to rely on experience to determine. The certificate of South Red Agate does not prove that Nanhong must be true or not optimized at all. There is no officially stipulated standard for South Red Agate. It can only be identified by the standard of agate when it is identified, so it is impossible to prove whether it is South Red Agate. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on more experience to accumulate the South Red Agate, and ask more and buy less. Cheap Polar Blanket,100% Polyester Polar Blanket,Embroidered Polar Fleece Blanket,Embroidered Polar Fleece Shaoxing Fangzhuo Textile Co.,Ltd ,